Censorship is a reality in almost every creative field such as book publishing, music and movie release and so on. While it is often said that censorship is essential to avoid chaos and disorder, its existence is also claimed to be the most obvious example of intolerance in our society today.

Censorship is a reality in almost every creative field such as book publishing, music and movie release and so on. While it is often said that censorship is essential to avoid chaos and disorder, its existence is also claimed to be the most obvious example of intolerance in our society today.

What do you think?

Today it is possible to propagate ideas far more easily and widely because of the development of technologies. To avoid chaos and disorder in society many people believe that censorship should be employed. On the other hand, the attempt to limit distributions of ideas is claimed to be the most argument is specious and shallow and censorship is an imposition of one group's authority over another.

The greatest danger with censorship is that it destroys the vitality of an open society and gags creativity. Moreover, censorship violates the rights to express and receive ideas. We have the rights to read any book we want and educate ourselves; we have the rights to listen to music and watch movies for entertainment. However, like ancient dictators who would burn books because they did not like them and force people to believe what they did, today's censor bodies act as if to dictate what is good for us.

On the other hand, the pro-censor group claims that censorship is not taking away the rights of citizens; rather it is protecting the rights of people who do not wish to be exposed to certain things. It is also a great tool in preserving morals and social order. According to them, the modern world has become desensitized to the acts shown on television, movies, and videos games or printed in newspapers and magazines. Censorship must be employed if morals and decency are to be preserved.
Although their fear is justified that indecent and immoral acts are likely to be widespread without censorship, individuals determine their own behavior, guided by their own ethics and morality. if these are not strong, they can become indecent and immoral secretly despite the presence of censorship.

To recapitulate, censorship is not justifiable because of some of illegal process by the higher authority and make them it very easily released, that's why, we can not get any good quality film all the way.